Good Ideas for Container Gardening
Anyone looking for a simple way to garden should try container gardening, gardening done out of a box or pot. One of the best things about container gardening is the fact that you can avoid the typical pests that harm other crops or plants that are grown. If you would like to try container gardening, follow the suggestions in this article that we are about to present to help you grow a bountiful garden this year.
One of the first things to do is pick out the types of containers you will be using for you garden. Of the many, many containers available for your container garden; you could use buckets, old shoes, and tin cans, just to name a few. If you choose a wood container, you need wood that has not been chemically treated and remember that wood will most likely end up rotting after awhile. Whatever the type of container you decide on; it is essential that there be holes in the bottom to allow the water to drain. Another important aspect when choosing your container is the fact that dark colors can retain too much heat for your plants to thrive; therefore you should try to use light colors. When you are considering the size of the container you will need; you of course will have to relate that to what plants you will be raising in them. You want to be sure to give your plants, herbs or flowers enough room.
One great alternative is having a container garden indoors. This will be great for those who live in an apartment or maybe have excess room downstairs in their house. A patio or balcony will suffice as well for your outside plants; however you can put plants indoors and they will still flourish.
There are artificial lighting systems available if your plants are in a place where they cannot get natural light from the sun. Herbs do very will inside and if you place them in or near your kitchen; you will have them close at hand. Another great addition to your indoor container garden would be salad vegetables like lettuce, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.
You can decide whether you want to have an indoor or outdoor container garden, but one of the biggest advantages of this type of gardening is that you can have the best of both worlds. Depending on the plants and time of year, you can easily move your containers in or outdoors whenever you want. When you plant something in the ground, it is at the mercy of unpredictable weather conditions, not to mention various pests. Although, if you have a container garden and the weather becomes gray and worrisome you can easily move the containers from outside to inside. Plus, this signifies that you can grow your plants during any season, including those that generally cannot live during the winter time. Container gardening gives you the freedom and flexibility to move your plants around to make sure they have the best conditions all year.
Depending upon the location of your container garden, choose plants that will easily flourish based upon their location. Planting inside gives you the ability to get exotic plants; all you have to do is adjust the temperature settings for the inside of your house so that they can grow effectively. Container gardening is a fun filled experience most people should try and probably will enjoy once they do it continuously.